Nate Erskine-Smith
Uncommons with Nate Erskine-Smith
Global vaccine equity, international climate finance, and Canada's role in the world with Karina Gould

Global vaccine equity, international climate finance, and Canada's role in the world with Karina Gould

While international development doesn't always steal national headlines, there are few more important ministries when one considers the global challenges of mass vaccination against COVID-19 and action to prevent catastrophic and runaway climate change.

On this episode, Minister Karina Gould joins Nate to discuss global vaccine equity and international climate finance,  as well as development assistance more broadly and Canada's role in the world. 

Minister Gould is the youngest cabinet member in Canadian history, one of the hardest working Ministers you'll meet, and there's no doubt she'll continue to play an important role on the world stage in the coming years.

Nate Erskine-Smith
Uncommons with Nate Erskine-Smith
A bi-weekly discussion series hosted by MP Nate Erskine-Smith featuring expterts, fellow parliamentarians, and other elected officials of all stripes.