Stop defending the leaders of your party and its extremist environmental policies that are ruining this great country. Your party has been compromised by the People’s Republic of China and WEF and marches done the road of the German National Socialist Party and Orwell’s Big Brother. Your children will ether grow up as spoiled despised elites or or desperately ashamed of there father and the legacy that his party has burdened Canada with.

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"A mere 57 oil, gas, coal and cement producers are directly linked to 80% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since the 2016 Paris climate agreement, a study has shown."

This powerful cohort of state-controlled corporations and shareholder-owned multinationals are the leading drivers of the climate crisis, according to the Carbon Majors Database, which is compiled by world-renowned researchers."


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Mar 29·edited Mar 29

I'm not about to listen to this podcast. But do you recognize that ecocide is also happening in Gaza - as well as genocide?

Farm fields and forests are being decimated. Bombs, tanks, and gunfire pollutes ground, water, and air. The US uses polluting jets to send weapons and ammo to Israel about every 36 hours.

But I'm sure you want to say regular people, who can't actually affect the climate at all compared to nations and corporations, should be the ones to bear the burden.

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