Serious leadership in a moment of crisis.
An opportunity to shape our politics away from slander and towards substance. Why I'm supporting Mark Carney for leader.
We have an opportunity to shape our politics.
So here’s a final call to register to vote in the Liberal leadership race.
I have a ton of respect for my colleagues who are running for leader. We are lucky to have the quality of contestants in this race that we do.
My vote for the next leader will go to Mark Carney.
He’s serious and thoughtful.
He’s committed to economic and environmental sustainability.
And he brings a wealth of experience, having helped Canada navigate the Great Recession and the UK manage through Brexit.
With that experience, Mark is best placed to defend Canadian interests against the threat of tariffs.
He’s a strong contrast to Poilievre's cartoon slogans and shallow attacks.
And he's the right leader to protect our progress, and to build on it.
As Mark says: it is time to build.
Having just hosted an event with Mark in Beaches-East York, I can also say that he draws a real crowd. Canadians (from across the political spectrum) are looking for someone to vote for, rightly find the alternatives wanting, and see in Carney someone with substance.

And based on the faux rage-farming online from Poilievre’s team after Mark joined us for our event, it’s clear that his candidacy has them worried.
I really like what I hear from Carney so far, and quite frankly Nate's endorsement means a lot. He has far more depth of knowledge about the issues than I can hope to have - and I have a tremendous amount of trust and respect for his judgement. If Nate's behind Mark so am I.
I’m with you! I was in a quandary until I saw him on the Daily Show. My only exposure was his announcements as Governor of the BoC which were characteristically bland & businesslike. With Jon, I saw a bright Canadian with a quick wit & a sense of humour. I’m pleased to see you are supporting him as well, since I respect you as a person & MP.