Nate blocked me because he's a coward, just like his fascist party leadership.

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Again, I won't listen to your podcast. But I will say that free speech is a lie. If you're criticising Israel, freedom of speech doesn't exist. As if the Cons care about free speech. As if the Libs care about free speech.

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I've never voted conservative in my life (and never will). But I would be lying if I said I don't want the Liberals to lose by any means, including if that means Poilievre becomes PM. Why? Because it doesn't matter what party is governing. The vast majority of Canadians won't be affected either way. We get one of two horrible parties either way and most things will stay the same or continue to get worse. Neither of you are worth supporting. For the first time, I won't be voting. My vote doesn't count anyway.

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